Sunday, February 3, 2008

We've moved! (Not what you think)

No, we haven't moved to Pennsylvania yet (less than two weeks to go). I've just moved the NeoZAZ blog over to I did this for two reasons (well, three if you count "Lisa said so" as one):
  • If I decide to host the blog on my own site at some point, I can probably install Wordpress software there, so the transition will be easier.
  • Wordpress actually has statistics, so I can tell if anyone is actually reading this. Blogger does not seem to have this functionality.
So, please update all of your bookmarks and RSS readers to point to the new NeoZAZ blog. There's already a post up about my new niece.

I'll try to move the existing posts over in the next few days. If anyone knows of an easy way to do this, let me know.

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